Kotton Grammer’s 7 Truths to Keep a Tough Mind During a Tough Time



Life is never easy. But oftentimes, we make it even harder on ourselves by the way we think. We tend to overcomplicate matters and create more problems than there really are sometimes… Here are 7 truths you can use your mind to thrive in whatever circumstances you find yourself in:

Find the right circle of friends and the right partner. Life is already hard, relationships should be the least of your worries.

It’s important to have a support network around you. Having a partner who will help you through tough times is an invaluable resource, as well as friends who will cheer you on.

If you find yourself in a position where things are not going well, it is essential that your friends and loved ones are there for you. If they can’t be there physically, make sure that they are still present emotionally. A great way to do this is by having weekly check-ins with people who care about your wellbeing; this doesn’t have to be face-to-face if it feels too overwhelming at the time. Simply exchange texts or messages over social media so that everyone involved knows they are being supported by their loved ones during this difficult time (and vice versa).

It’s possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That’s not weakness, that’s life.

Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will agree with you. It’s possible to do everything right and still lose. That’s not weakness, that’s life.

As humans, we have a tendency to see our own experiences as the norm and assume everyone else is experiencing the same thing: “If I keep my head down and work hard, then things will work out.” But this isn’t always true—and it can be especially misleading when you’re going through a rough patch in your career or other aspects of life—because some people are simply more comfortable than others with being disliked or disagreed with (or even hated). They might not care about criticism at all! Or they might find criticism motivating because it means someone cares enough about them to tell them what needs improvement.

The future isn’t a place we are going to go, it’s a place we get to create.

The future is what we make of it, not what we wish for. It’s the future that awaits you at the end of your journey, not some imagined place. The future isn’t a place you are going to go; it’s a place you get to create.

When you’re in a tough spot and feel discouraged, remind yourself that there is always room for improvement and growth even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. The future will be better than today—even if only by a little bit—and that is something worth looking forward to!

Sometimes slowing down is a power move. Pace is proof of maturity.

Sometimes slowing down is a power move. Pace is proof of maturity.

You can’t be in a hurry all the time, and sometimes you have to slow down and breathe, even if it means that you lose momentum.

Sometimes, you have to take time to process what’s happening around you as well as inside of you. Sometimes, this means taking your shoes off so that they don’t rub against each other while walking around because they’re too tight (but not too loose). Sometimes, this means taking a nap when everyone else wants to go out for drinks after work (or staying home altogether). Sometimes this means writing instead of talking on the phone with someone who just called asking for help when they could easily figure it out themselves but want someone else’s opinion anyway because they want their voice heard even though their voice hasn’t said anything yet except “hello” or “I’m sorry” or some other greeting followed by silence until finally saying “bye.”

Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase.

  • When you’re facing a difficult situation, it can help to keep your focus on the present moment. Don’t worry about how long it will take or whether or not it will work out—just focus on the step in front of you.
  • You can’t control everything that happens to you, but what matters is how we react and respond to those events. Instead of worrying about something that may never happen, focus on what’s happening right now.
  • The smaller parts of any journey are often more interesting than thinking about its end result: where will I go? What time should I leave? How long will this take? Focus on these details rather than getting caught up in the bigger picture.
  • The destination is important, but it doesn’t matter if we don’t enjoy our journey along the way! Think about all those happy memories made while travelling; wouldn’t they make even better memories if they were punctuated by an occasional “Oh no!” moment along the way?

No expectations no disappointments.

  • No expectations no disappointments.
  • Expectations are the root of all heartache, especially when it comes to relationships. It’s better to be pleasantly surprised than to be disappointed.
  • Don’t expect anything from anyone or any situation and you will not be disappointed.

No amount of money has ever bought a second of lost time.

No amount of money has ever bought a second of lost time. —Benjamin Franklin

It’s easy to forget this simple truth when we’re in the middle of a busy day or week, but we all need to keep it front and center as we move through our lives. We can’t buy back time that’s been lost, and no amount of money will ever be able to buy more hours or minutes for us. Money is great in many ways, but it doesn’t have the power to bring back seconds and minutes once they’ve passed you by…and what’s worse than having a moment pass without you noticing it?

Sometimes what didn’t work out for you REALLY worked out for you.

There are times when it’s difficult to see the positives in a situation, but they’re there. Even if you didn’t get what you wanted, there’s something to be gained from the experience. If you’ve done everything possible and things still didn’t work out, don’t beat yourself up about it—keep an open mind and try again another time. Many times we have to trust the process and realize what we didn’t get actually saved us from something far worse.


To summarize, here are my final thoughts: If you follow these steps and do the work that is needed, I believe that you will find the inner strength to overcome any challenges. It’s important to remember that it’s not easy—it’s a process that requires time and dedication. But if you stick with it, I guarantee the results will be worth it!

Kotton Grammer is the founder of Kotton Grammer Media and has trained over 20,000 entrepreneurs on how to start their own digital marketing agency along with having helped thousands of businesses achieve maximum visibility in search engines with organic traffic. His website is https://kottongrammer.com

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